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Date | Time | Venue | Speaker | Title (click for an abstract) |
17th April | 11:30 AM | HP4351 Carleton | Shonda Gosselin | Self-complementary uniform hypergraphs |
THURSDAY 9th April |
2:00 PM | FTX 147a uOttawa | Koffi Y. Sampson | Structured coalescent with nonconservative migration |
3rd Apr. | 11:30 AM | HP4351 Carleton | Mark Kayll (University of Montana) |
Integral formulas for counting matchings, or: Continuous meets discrete |
27th Mar. | 11:30 AM | KED B015 uOttawa | Behzad Omidi Koma | The number of irreducible polynomials of degree n over Fq with given trace and constant terms |
20th Mar. | 11:30 AM | HP4351 Carleton | Mike Newman | Quantum Chromatic Number |
13th Mar. | 11:30 AM | No seminar | ||
6th Mar. | 11:30 AM | HP4351 Carleton | Robert Bailey | Packing spanning trees in graphs and bases in matroids |
27th Feb. | 11:30 AM | KED B015 uOttawa | Steven Wang | On generalized Lucas sequences |
20th Feb. | 11:30 AM | No seminar | ||
13th Feb. | 11:30 AM | No seminar | ||
6th Feb. | 11:30 AM | HP4351 CARLETON | Gena Hahn (Université de Montréal) |
Cops-and-robbers on infinite graphs |
30th Jan. | 11:30 AM | KED B015 UOTTAWA | Open Problem Session |
23rd Jan. | 11:30 AM | HP4351 CARLETON | Jeff Gilchrist | How we discovered 2^43112609-1 is prime |
16th Jan |
11:30 AM | KED B015 UOTTAWA |
Chris Lewis |
Combinatorial Game Theory |
Date | Time | Venue | Speaker | Title (click for an abstract) |
WEDNESDAY 3 December |
11.30 AM |
Carleton TB202 |
Dan Hoffman (University of Victoria) |
A Perfect Marriage: Covering arrays and Grammar-Based Test Generation |
28 November | 11.30 AM | U. Ottawa FTX 137 |
Mohammad-Reza Sadeghi | Min-Sum decoding algorithm for solving sparse linear congruence systems |
21 November | 11.30 AM | Carleton HP4351 |
Ladislav Stacho (Simon Fraser University) |
Cyclic colorings of plane graphs with independent faces |
14 November | 11.30 AM | U. Ottawa FTX 137 |
Robert Bailey | Base size, metric dimension and other stories |
7 November | 11.30 AM | Carleton HP4351 |
Jessica McDonald (University of Waterloo) |
Multigraphs with high chromatic index: Vizing's Bound |
31 October | 11.30 AM | U. Ottawa FTX 137 |
Kevin Cheung | Task assignment—a case study |
24 October | 11.30 AM | Carleton HP4351 |
Open problem session | |
17 October | 11.30 AM | U. Ottawa FTX 137 |
Brett Stevens | Venn diagrams and symmetries |
3 October | 11.30 AM | U. Ottawa FTX 137 |
Reza Naserasr | The Graham–Pollak Theorem and Alon–Saks–Seymour Conjecture |
26 September | 11.30 AM | Carleton HP4351 |
Mike Newman | Matroid Asymptotics |
19 September | 11.30 AM | U. Ottawa FTX 137 |
Open problem session |
Date | Speaker | Title (click for an abstract) |
25 April | Amy Cameron | Multi-two-edge connected subgraph problems |
14 March | Jane He | The path ideal of a tree and its properties |
29 February | Maryam Haghighi | Applications of combinatorics in genomics |
20 February | Gordon Royle (University of Western Australia) |
Cores of strongly regular and other highly structured graphs |
1 February | Jason Gao | Graph polynomial and vertex colouring |
18 January | David Laferriere | Classification of walks in wedges |
Date | Speaker | Title (click for an abstract) |
23 November | Reza Naserasr | Quantum physics and graph colouring |
9 November | Andrea Burgess | Closed trail decompositions of complete equipartite graphs |
2 November | Robert Bailey | Covering and uncovering on structures |
24 October | Nancy Neudauer (Pacific University) |
Representations of bicircular matroids |
19 October | Eric Mendelsohn (University of Toronto) |
On the chromatic spectrum of graph decomposition |
12 October | Jason Gao | Finding long cycles in 3-connected graphs with bounded degrees |
21 September | Lucia Moura | Covering arrays and locating faulty interactions in software testing |