Application of Combinatorics in Genomics

Speaker: Maryam Haghighi (uOttawa)

Date: 29 February 2008

In this talk we will explore how combinatorial methods can be applied to some problems in comparative genomics. In particular, we will study two approaches to utilizing graphs as models of genes. The first approach is based on [2], and the second approach is based on [1] and [3]. Both approaches can be implemented by polynomial-time algorithms.


  1. A. Bergeron et al, A unifying view of genome rearrangements, 2006.
  2. M.Haghighi, MSc Thesis, 2007.
  3. S. Yancopoulos et al, Efficient sorting of genomic permutations by translocation inversion and block interchange, Bioinformatics, 2005.