Conference Proceedings
Advances in the Theory of Numbers, Fields Institute Communications, Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference of the Canadian Number Theory Association, Springer, 2016. (Editor, with A. Alaca and K. S. Williams)
Graduate Textbook
Introductory Algebraic Number Theory, Cambridge University Press. (with K. S. Williams)
Journal Publications
Infinite products with coefficients which vanish on certain arithmetic progressions, Int. J. Number Theory (2017), Online Ready, 23 pp. (with A. Alaca, Z. S. Aygin and K. S. Williams)

Character values of the Sidelnikov-Lempel-Cohn-Eastman sequences, Cryptogr. Commun.
8 (2016), 18 pp. (with G. Millar)

Explicit evaluation of double Gauss sums, J. Comb. Number Theory
8 (2016), Issue 3, 15 pp. (with G. Doyle)
Representation numbers of certain quaternary quadratic forms in a genus consisting of a single class, Int. J. Number Theory
12 (2016), 1529-1573. (with A. Alaca and K. S. Williams)
Liouville identities with two functions, Int. J. Number Theory
12 (2016), 1345-1363. (with G. Doyle)
Evaluation of the convolution sums \(\sum_{1+27m=n} \sigma(l) \sigma(m)\) and \(\sum_{1+32m=n} \sigma(l) \sigma(m)\), Int. J. Number Theory
12 (2016), 1-13. (with Y. Kesicioglu)
Fourier coefficients of a class of eta quotients of weight 2, Int. J. Number Theory
11 (2015), 2381-2392. (with A. Alaca and Z. S. Aygin)

Representations by certain octonary quadratic forms with coefficients 1, 2, 3 and 6, INTEGERS
15 (2015), Paper No. A5, 9 pp. (with Y. Kesicioglu)
Double Gauss sums, J. Comb. Number Theory
6 (2014), 127-153. (with A. Alaca and K. S. Williams)

On the number of representations of a positive integer as a sum of two binary quadratic forms, Int. J. Number Theory
10 (2014), 1395-1420. (with L. Pehlivan and K. S. Williams)
Representations by certain octonary quadratic forms whose coefficients are 1, 2, 3, and 6, International Journal of Number Theory
10 (2014), 133-150. (with Y. Kesicioglu)

Some product-to-sum identities, Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory
4 (2012), 35-52. (with L. Pehlivan and K. S. Williams)

Some arithmetic identities involving divisor functions, Functiones et Approximatio
46 (2012), 261--271. (with F. Uygul and K. S. Williams)

Restricted Eisenstein Series and Certain Convolution Sums, Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory
3 (2011), 1-14. (with A. Alaca, F. Uygul, and K. S. Williams)

The number of representations of a positive integer by certain octonary quadratic forms, Functiones et Approximatio
43 (2010), 45-54. (with K. S. Williams)

Sextenary quadratic forms and an identity of Klein and Fricke, International Journal of Number Theory
6 (2010), 169-183. (with A. Alaca and K. S. Williams)

Fourteen octonary quadratic forms, International Journal of Number Theory
6 (2010), 37-50. (with A. Alaca and K. S. Williams)

Representations by sextenary quadratic forms whose coefficients are 1, 2 and 4, Acta Arithmetica
141 (2010), 289-309. (with A. Alaca, F. Uygul and K. S. Williams)

Sums of 4k squares: a polynomial approach, Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory
1 (2009), 33-52. (with A. Alaca and K. S. Williams)

Some new theta function identities with applications to sextenary quadratic forms, Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory
1 (2009), 89-98. (with A. Alaca and K. S. Williams)

Some infinite products of Ramanujan type, Canadian Mathematical Bulletin
52 (2009), 481-492. (with A. Alaca and K. S. Williams)

Evaluation of the sums \(\sum_{m\equiv a \hspace{-1mm} \pmod 4} \sigma(m) \sigma(n-m)\), Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
59 (2009), 847-859. (with A. Alaca and K. S. Williams)

Some identities involving theta functions, Journal of Number Theory
129 (2009), 1404-1431. (with A. Alaca and K. S. Williams)

The number of representations of a positive integer by certain quaternary quadratic forms, International Journal of Number Theory
5 (2009), 13-40. (with A. Alaca, M. F. Lemire and K. S. Williams)

Liouville's sextenary quadratic forms \(x^2 + y^2 + z^2 + t^2 + 2u^2 + 2v^2\), \(x^2 + y^2 + 2z^2 + 2t^2 + 2u^2 + 2v^2\) and \(x^2 + 2y^2 + 2z^2 + 2t^2 + 2u^2 + 4v^2\), Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences
30 (2008), 547-556.(with A. Alaca and K. S. Williams)

Seven octonary quadratic forms, Acta Arithmetica
135 (2008), 339-350. (with A. Alaca and K. S. Williams)

Berndt's curious formula, International Journal of Number Theory
4 (2008), 677-689.(with A. Alaca and K. S. Williams)

Theta function identities and representations by certain quaternary quadratic forms, Int. J. Number Theory
4 (2008), 219-239. (with A. Alaca, M. F. Lemire and K. S. Williams)

Theta function identities and representations by certain quaternary quadratic forms II, International Mathematical Forum
3 (2008), 539-579. (with A. Alaca, S. M. F. Lemire and K. S. Williams)

Arithmetic progressions and binary quadratic forms, American Mathematical Monthly
115 (2008), 252-254. (with A. Alaca and K. S. Williams)

The convolution sum \(\displaystyle \sum_{m \lt n/16} \hspace{-2mm} \sigma(m) \sigma(n-16m)\), Canadian Mathematical Bulletin
51 (2008), 3-14. (with A. Alaca and K. S. Williams)

Jacobi's identity and representation of integers by certain quaternary quadratic forms, Int. J. Modern Math.
2 (2007), 143-176. (with A. Alaca, M. F. Lemire and K. S. Williams)

On the quaternary forms \(x^2 + y^2 +z^2 + 5t^2\), \(x^2 + y^2 + 5z^2 + 5t^2\) and \(x^2 + 5y^2 + 5z^2 + 5t^2\), JP J. Algebra Number Theory Appl.
9 (2007), 37-53. (with A. Alaca and K. S. Williams)

The simplest proof of Jacobi's six squares theorem, Far East J. Math. Sci.
27 (2007), 187-192. (with A. Alaca and K. S. Williams)

Evaluation of the convolution sums \(\displaystyle \hspace{-2mm} \sum_{l+24m=n} \sigma(l) \sigma(m)\) and \(\displaystyle \sum_{3l+8m=n} \hspace{-2mm} \sigma(l) \sigma(m)\), Math. J. Okayama Univ.
49 (2007), 93-111. (with A. Alaca and K. S. Williams)

Nineteen quaternary quadratic forms, Acta Arithmetica
130 (2007), 277-310. (with A. Alaca, M. F. Lemire and K. S. Williams)

Evaluation of the convolution sums \(\displaystyle \sum_{l+ 6m =n} \hspace{-2mm} \sigma(l) \sigma(m)\) and \(\displaystyle \sum_{2l+ 3m =n} \hspace{-2mm} \sigma(l) \sigma(m)\), J. Number Theory
124 (2007), 491-510. (with K. S. Williams)

Lambert series and Liouville's identities, Dissertationes Math.
445 (2007), 1-72. (with A. Alaca, E. McAfee and K. S. Williams)

An infinite class of identities, Bull. Austral. Math. Soc.
75 (2007), 239-246. (with A. Alaca and K. S. Williams)

Nonexistence of a composition law, Math Mag.
80 (2007), 142-144. (with K. S. Williams)

Evaluation of the convolution sums \(\displaystyle \sum_{l+18m=n} \hspace{-2mm} \sigma(l)\sigma(m)\) and \(\displaystyle \sum_{2l+9m=n} \hspace{-2mm} \sigma(l)\sigma(m)\), International Mathematical Forum
2 (2007), 45-68. (with A. Alaca and K. S. Williams)

Congruences for Brewer sums, Finite Fields and Their Applications
13 (2007), 1-19.

Evaluation of the convolution sums \(\displaystyle \sum_{l+12m=n} \hspace{-2mm} \sigma(l)\sigma(m)\) and \(\displaystyle \sum_{3l+4m=n} \hspace{-2mm} \sigma(l)\sigma(m)\),
Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mathemeatics
1 (2006), 27-48. (with A. Alaca and K. S. Williams)

On the two-dimensional theta functions of the Borweins, Acta Arith.
124 (2006), 177-195.
(with A. Alaca and K. S. Williams)

Explicit decomposition of a rational prime in a cubic field, Int. J. Math. Math. Sci.
2006 (2006), 1-11. (with B. K. Spearman and K. S. Williams)

The factorization of 2 in cubic fields with index 2, Far East J. Math. Sci.
14 (2004), 273-282. (with K. S. Williams)

An integral basis and the discriminant of a quintic field defined by a trinomial x
5 + ax + b, JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications
4 (2004), 261-299, (with A. Alaca)

p-Integral bases of a quartic field defined by a trinomial x
4 + ax + b, Far East J. Math. Sci.
12 (2004), 137-168. (with K. S. Williams)

On Voronoi's method for finding an integral basis of a cubic field, Util. Math.
65 (2004), 163-166. (with K. S. Williams)

A simple method for finding an integral basis of a quartic field defined by a trinomial x
4+ax+b, JP J. Algebra Number Theory Appl.
3 (2003), 477-505. (with K. S. Williams)
p-integral bases of algebraic number fields, Utilitas Mathematica
56 (1999), 97-106.
p-integral bases of a cubic field, American Mathematical Society
126 (1998), 1949-1953.
Updated: January 1, 2017