Daniel Spracklin. On the APRCL primality. Winter 2013.
Travis Hof-Macneil. Lattice based cryptography and NTRUSign signature scheme. Winter 2013.
Ebenezer Ntienjem (co-supervised with A. Alaca). NTRU: A Lattice Based Cryptography. Fall 2012.
Greg Doyle. Eisenstein Reciprocity Theorem and Its Applications. Winter 2004.
Erin Hayhoe. Point Counting Algorithms for the Group of Rational Points on an Elliptic Curve. Fall 2002.
Claude Canas. Internet Cryptography. Fall 2002.
Andrew McCormack, School of Computer Science (co-supervised with Evangelos Kranakis). Lifting Elliptic Curves and Points for the Xedni Calculus Algorithm. Fall 2001.
Tsige Kibret (co-supervised with A. Alaca). School of Math. and Stats. Primality testing using elliptic curves. Fall 2001.
Zinabu Biru. Factoring integers using elliptic curves. Winter 2001.
Jason Ramsay, School of Computer Science (co-supervised with Evangelos Kranakis). Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems: From Theory to Implementation. Summer 2000.
Undergraduate Research Students
Andrej Vucovic. Summer internship supported by the Office of the Dean of Science. Summer 2015.
Arthur Mehta. NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award. Summer 2013.
Emile Greer. Undergraduate Research Assistant. Summer 2013.
Christopher Boyd. NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award. Summer 2009.
Daniel Spracklin. Summer internship supported by the Office of the Dean of Science. Summer 2009.