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Genealogical charts from the book

The Haiger Group

The HaigerGroup consists of Albert Herz, the father of Eliane Herz, his parents, and his paternal ancestors.

The Haiger group chapter from the book.

These ancestors lived in Haiger and other towns in the state of Hesse.

Albert Herz (1902-1976)

Albert Herz, the father of Eliane Herz, was born in Haiger and passed away in New York. His life was far from peaceful; escape from Nazi Germay, French Foreign Legion, hiding during WWII, emigration at the age of fifty-six to a country whose language he was unfamiliar with ... .
He married Coralie Weill from Marmoutier (Alsace) in 1936. Documents relative to her and her ancestors appear in the book An Alsatian Jewish Story/The Ancestors of Coralie Weill of Marmoutier and the accompanying DVD.

The Parents of Albert Herz
Franziska Katzenstein (1869-1963) and Herman Herz (1869-1938)

Images related to this couple.

Documents related to this couple.

Franziska Katzenstein was the daughter of Amelie Marx and Abraham Katzenstein who are discussed with the common ancestors group. The sister of Franziska Katzenstein was Sarah Katzenstein who is discussed with the Heinebach group.

The Parents of Hermann Herz
Regine Fröhlich (ca.1834-104) and Jakob Herz (*-ca.1915?)

We know the names of the parents of Herman Herz from his MD and we have the DD of Regine Fröhlich.

Jakob Herz remains a complete mystery as we have neither his place nor date of death.

The Parents of Regine Fröhlich
Regine Katz (*-*) and Löb Fröhlich (ca.1800-1883)

We know the names of the parents from the DD of Regine Fröhlich.

The DD of Löb Fröhlich was available but not that of Regine Katz.

The Parents of Löb Fröhlich
Chaya Katz (*-*) and Moses Fröhlich (*-*)

We know the names of the parents from the DD of Löb Fröhlich.

Various Documents Consulted

While doing research for the Haiger group, I consulted many documents. Access to some of these documents.

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