Dr. David E. Amundsen ""
Department of Mathematics and Statistics - 4259 Herzberg Laboratories Korteweg-de Vries Equation Phase Portrait Soliton Interaction



MATH 4708/5408

MATH 1004



What is Applied Mathematics

What I do


Soliton Interaction

Putnam Competition

The Putnam Competition is a mathematics contest open to all undergraduates in the U.S. and Canada. Carleton has a long history of participation in this contest, and students who do particularly well stand to win cash prizes and graduate fellowships.

This year it will be written on Saturday, Dec. 7 2024 .

In keeping with past years, leading up to the exam there will be weekly practice sessions where we will go through various problem solving methods and strategies. There will be a focus on Putnam type problems, but many of the ideas and methods are generally applicable and may be useful in your courses. All are welcome -- but it is not required for you to attend the sessions in order to write the exam and vice-versa. If you wish to be added to the email list please contact me

If you wish to see more details about the exam itself, history, prizes etc. Putnam Info

and for some recent exam papers see Past Exams