ASA presently has about thirty members of all ages, background, and artistic styles. They produce work of all sizes in oil, acrylic, watercolors, ink, and pastels, among others. Photography, linocuts, Japanese brush painting and sculpture can also be found among our work.
The Gallery's primary objective is to provide a space for the diplay and sale of quality art which is affordable for both the artist and the consumer. This is achieved through the dedicated work of its members. Apart from a small annual fee, members volunteer a minimum number of hours per month by performing tasks related to running a gallery. Funds are also raised via fees incurred by non-members' solo shows.
Each submission to be handed in
by 4:30 p.m. on the last Wednesday
of each month except September.
The submission should include a
biography and or C.V.
An explanantion of the work is optional.
Each piece must be labelled with name, title, and the date completed.
The work(s) submitted are to be
picked up by 3 p.m. the following
Saturday due to a lack of storage facilities.
Applicants will be notified upon
acceptance or refusal;
in the latter case, the candidate may resubmit their work on the
jury date.
The gallery cannot accept any
responsibility for loss, theft or damage
to works left by applicants during the period of adjudication.
Telephone: (613) 238-5908
A Source of Art Gallery
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