- Fall 2021:
- Summer 2020:
- STAT 5901: Directed Studies
- Winter 2020:
- STAT 5603W: Reliability and Survival Analysis
- STAT 2509B: Introduction to Statistical
Modelling II
- Fall 2019:
- STAT 5503F: Linear Models
- STAT 4503A/5509F: Multivariate Statistical
- Winter 2019:
- STAT 5502W: Sampling Theory and Methods
- STAT 4503A/5509W: Multivariate Statistical
- Fall 2018:
- STAT 5504F/4603A: Time Series and
Forecasting/Stochastic Processes and Time
Series Analysis
- STAT 4607F: Bayesian Statistical
- Winter 2018:
- STAT 4503A/5509W: Multivariate Statistical
- STAT 3509A: Mathematical Statistics
- Fall 2017:
- STAT 5503F: Linear Models
- STAT 4500A: Parametric Estimation
- Winter 2017:
- STAT 5502W: Sampling Theory and Methods
- STAT 4604A: Statistical Computing
- Fall 2016:
- STAT 5504F/4603A: Time Series and
Forecasting/Stochastic Processes and Time
Series Analysis
3508A: Elements of Probability Theory
- Winter 2016:
- STAT 5506W: Robust Statistical Inference
- STAT 3509A: Mathematical Statistics
- Fall 2015:
- STAT 5503F: Linear Models
- STAT 2507B: Introduction to Statstical Modelling
- Winter 2015:
- STAT 4604A: Statistical Computing
- Fall 2014:
- MATH 5900K: Spatio-temporal Modeling in
Environmental Studies