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Eastern Europe

This page contains links to information, presented in gallery format, concerning the places where the Leipzig group lived. The information consists of texts, maps and images. Except for Poland, for which there are two links, the links lead to both Jewish and general information. The first part of the list deals with the larger political entities and the second part has links to the cities of interest.

Even though Leipzig was in Germany it is included here because of its connection with the people who came from Congress Poland

Since the town of Kalvarija, where Regina Reinherz was born, was part of Congress---Poland until after WWI there is no directory for Lithuania where the town is presently located). There are links to information concerning the Jews of Russia and the Pale of Settlement because Congress Poland was part of Russia and the Pale was adjacent to Congress Poland

These localization maps indicate where the various geographical entities are located.

Information about the Jews of Europe

Polish Jewish history


General information about Poland


Pale of Settlement


Bühl, the fur district in Leipzig



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