The description of the material

Importing images, using colour, marginal notes

The gzipped tar file
Click to download; size: 9.2MB

Some of the Sample Files

N.B. The TeX files for all examples are included in the tar file.

A Genealogical Text.

A text with both Hebrew and English.
It is explained how to input the Hebrew, both from a web text and by input from a regular keyboard. There is a similar text in Arabic.

Some of the other files in the package

An HTML page with links to:
font sources and information and charts concerning Unicode

How to determine the real TeX point sizes of the characters in a font.

Some useful shell files
In particular photos2eps to convert your images to EPS so that they can be imported into your file via PSTRICKS.

I welcome comments: rhfischl --AT--

For Graphviz, Octave, Matlab, Linux, see the other entries on my mathematics page.