import requests, zipfile, io
import tempfile as tf
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sb
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Annual and Monthly Soft Drinks Production - Open Canada
Data Provider
Statistics Canada’s Open Government is a free and open-access platform containing over 80,000 datasets across diverse subjects. The purpose of sharing all data documents with the public is to remain transparent and accessible.
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Food Manufacturing: Annual Soft Drink Production
A dataset recording the soft drink production every quarter from 1950 to 1977. Its supporting documentation can be found here. You also can quickly discover the customized table here.
The dataset switched to monthly soft drinks production from 1976 to 1995. Its supporting documentation can be found here. You also can quickly discover the customized table here.
All datasets and their metadata files including detailed variable descriptions are stored as a zip file. The variables in the data sets are dates and production variables recorded in units of thousands of gallons on a monthly, quarterly, and annual basis.
Data loading
The following code is used to organize monthly and annual orginal datasets and merge them into one quarterly soft drink production dataset from 1950 to 1995.
#Download the zip file of QUARTERLY soft drink production AND rearrange the dataset
= tf.TemporaryFile()
temp = ""
url = requests.get(url)
r = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(r.content))
temp = temp.namelist()
file_list print(file_list)
['16100100.csv', '16100100_MetaData.csv']
= pd.read_csv('16100100.csv'))
# Organize the quarterly dataset
= quarterlydata[["REF_DATE", "VALUE"]].rename(columns = {"REF_DATE" : "quarter", "VALUE" : "QuarterlyValue"})
quarterly "quarter"] = pd.to_datetime(quarterly["quarter"]) quarterly[
#Download the zip file of MONTHLY soft drink production AND rearrange the dataset
= tf.TemporaryFile()
temp = ""
url = requests.get(url)
r = zipfile.ZipFile(io.BytesIO(r.content))
temp = temp.namelist()
file_list print(file_list)
['16100099.csv', '16100099_MetaData.csv']
= pd.read_csv('16100099.csv'))
# Organize the monthly dataset
= monthlydata[["REF_DATE", "VALUE"]].rename(columns = {"REF_DATE" : "date", "VALUE" : "Produced"})
monthly "date"] = pd.to_datetime(monthly["date"])
# Now we want to extend the quarterly data set by combining over the monthly dataset:
= monthly.resample(rule = "QE", on="date", label = "left").sum().reset_index()
MoreQuarters "date"] = MoreQuarters["date"] + pd.Timedelta(days=1)
MoreQuarters[= MoreQuarters.rename(columns = {"date" : "quarter", "Produced" : "QuarterlyValue"})
= pd.concat([quarterly, MoreQuarters], ignore_index= True)
= AllQuarters.resample(rule = "YE", on="quarter", label = "left").sum().reset_index()
annual "quarter"] = annual["quarter"] + pd.Timedelta(days=1)
annual[= annual.rename(columns = {"quarter" : "Year", "QuarterlyValue" : "AnnualValue"})
quarter QuarterlyValue
0 1950-01-01 19349
1 1950-04-01 29730
2 1950-07-01 31721
3 1950-10-01 20045
4 1951-01-01 17398
Year AnnualValue
0 1950-01-01 100845
1 1951-01-01 91691
2 1952-01-01 101396
3 1953-01-01 107892
4 1954-01-01 103816
date Produced
0 1976-01-01 20680
1 1976-02-01 23392
2 1976-03-01 21553
3 1976-04-01 24304
4 1976-05-01 27791
#Download the zip file of QUARTERLY soft drink production AND rearrange the dataset
<- tempfile()
temp download.file("",temp)
<- as.character(unzip(temp, list = TRUE)$Name)) (file_list
[1] "16100100.csv" "16100100_MetaData.csv"
<- read_csv(unz(temp, "16100100.csv"))
quarterlydata unlink(temp) # Delete temp file
# Organize the quarterly dataset
= quarterlydata |> mutate(REF_DATE = as_date(paste(REF_DATE,"-1",sep ="")))
quarterly = quarterly |> rename(quarter = REF_DATE, QuarterlyValue = VALUE)|>
quarterly select(quarter, QuarterlyValue)
#Download the zip file of MONTHLY soft drink production AND rearrange the dataset
<- tempfile()
temp download.file("",temp)
<- as.character(unzip(temp, list = TRUE)$Name)) (file_list
[1] "16100099.csv" "16100099_MetaData.csv"
<- read_csv(unz(temp, "16100099.csv"))
monthlydata unlink(temp)
= monthlydata |> rename(date = REF_DATE, Produced = VALUE)
# It is necessary to add the month and day values at the end of the year data before running as.Date() function. Since the original CSV file has its default data format, we need to fill out the missing parts of the date, which is date data in this case, as the character format, then use the as.Date() function to convert.
<- monthlydata |>
monthly mutate(date = as_date(paste(date,"-1",sep ="")))|>
select(date, Produced)
# Now we want to extend the quarterly data set by combining over the monthly dataset:
<- monthly |>
MoreQuarters mutate(quarter = quarter(date,with_year = TRUE)) |>
group_by(quarter) |>
mutate(QuarterlyValue = sum(Produced))|>
select(date, quarter, QuarterlyValue) |>
distinct( quarter, QuarterlyValue, .keep_all=TRUE) |>
ungroup() |>
select(date, QuarterlyValue) |>
rename(quarter = date)
= rbind(quarterly,MoreQuarters)
# Create the dataset of annual soft drink production by summarizing the quaterly production value by year
= AllQuarters |>
annual mutate(Year = floor_date(AllQuarters$quarter, unit = "year")) |>
group_by(Year) |>
mutate(AnnualValue = sum(QuarterlyValue))|>
select(Year, AnnualValue) |>
distinct( Year, AnnualValue)
# A tibble: 6 × 2
quarter QuarterlyValue
<date> <dbl>
1 1950-01-01 19349
2 1950-04-01 29730
3 1950-07-01 31721
4 1950-10-01 20045
5 1951-01-01 17398
6 1951-04-01 25893
# A tibble: 6 × 2
# Groups: Year [6]
Year AnnualValue
<date> <dbl>
1 1950-01-01 100845
2 1951-01-01 91691
3 1952-01-01 101396
4 1953-01-01 107892
5 1954-01-01 103816
6 1955-01-01 116301
# A tibble: 6 × 2
date Produced
<date> <dbl>
1 1976-01-01 20680
2 1976-02-01 23392
3 1976-03-01 21553
4 1976-04-01 24304
5 1976-05-01 27791
6 1976-06-01 32838
Soft drink production
#Plot the graph of annual soft drink production
plt.clf()=annual, x="Year", y="AnnualValue").set_title("Annual soft drink production")
#Plot the graph of quarterly soft drink production
plt.clf()=AllQuarters, x="quarter", y="QuarterlyValue", marker="o").set_title("Quarterly soft drink production")
#Plot the graph of monthly soft drink production
plt.clf()=monthly, x="date", y="Produced").set_title("Monthly soft drink production")
What happened to the annual data from 1976 and 1977? Need a hint, Zoomm in by changing the x axis limits by plotting a slice of the annual data frame:
# plot 1970-1980 from annual data frame to observe double counting
#sb.lineplot(data = annual[(annual["Year"].dt.year > 1970) &
# (annual["Year"].dt.year < 1980)],
# x = "Year",
# y = "AnnualValue")
- Need another hint? Look back at the quarterly data sets before they were combined from different sources.
### Plot the graph of annual and quaterly soft drink production
ggplot(annual, aes(x = Year, y = AnnualValue, group = 1)) +
geom_line() +
ggtitle("Annual soft drink production")
ggplot(AllQuarters, aes(x = quarter, y = QuarterlyValue, group = 1)) +
geom_line() +
geom_point(position="jitter") +
ggtitle("Quaterly soft drink production")
ggplot(monthly, aes(x = date, y = Produced, group = 1)) +
geom_line() +
ggtitle("Monthly soft drink production")
- What happened to the annual data from 1976 and 1977? Need a hint, Zoomm in by changing the x axis limits by adding this to the ggplot:
- Need another hint? Look back at the quarterly data sets before they were combined from different sources.
Quarterly soft drink production, just the old dataset
To better see the production proportions across the four quarters in each year, the following code is used to plot the stacked percentage bar plots of quarterly soft drink production.
- Check out how the Year-Month-Date is split into its elements using properties of a datetime column in a pandas dataframe
'year'] = quarterly["quarter"].dt.year
quarterly['month'] = quarterly["quarter"].dt.month
= quarterly.pivot_table(index=['year'], columns = 'month',
proportions ='QuarterlyValue').reset_index().set_index('year')
= proportions.div(proportions.sum(axis=1), axis=0)
month 1 4 7 10
1950 0.191869 0.294809 0.314552 0.198770
1951 0.189746 0.282394 0.310576 0.217284
1952 0.189830 0.258708 0.332528 0.218934
1953 0.186835 0.264144 0.323648 0.225374
1954 0.191050 0.276499 0.301620 0.230831
='bar', stacked = True).set_title("Percent Stacked Barchart of Quaterly Soft Drink Production")
plt.ylabel(="Month", bbox_to_anchor=(1.05, 1), loc='upper left', borderaxespad=0); plt.legend(title
- Check out how the Year-Month-Date is split into its elements using separate:
# Use separate() function form tidyr package to take the date variable apart into year and month
quarterly separate( quarter, into = c("year","month", "date"), sep = "-") |>
# Stacked + percent
ggplot( aes(fill=month, y= QuarterlyValue, x=as.Date(year,"%Y"))) +
geom_bar(position="fill", stat="identity") +
ggtitle("Percent Stacked Barchart of Quaterly Soft Drink Production") +
xlab("Year") +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1))
- The percent produced in each quarter is reasonably stable.