Analysis of Multi-Server Queues with Station and Server Vacations

In this paper we consider GI/M/c queues with two classes of vacation mechanisms: station vacation and server vacation. In the first one the whole system, including all the c servers, takes vacation whenever the system is empty. This phenomenon occurs in practice, for example, when the system consists of a set of machines monitored by a single operator, or the system consists of inseparable interconnected parallel machines. While for the second class of vacation mechanism, each server takes its own vacation whenever it completes service and finds no customers waiting in the queue, which occurs, for instance in the post office, when each server is a relatively independent working unit. For both models we derive their steady state solutions that have matrix geometric form, and develop computational algorithms to obtain numerical solutions. We also analyze and make comparisons of these models based on the numerical observations.

Keywords: Queueing, embedded Markov chains, server and station vacations, Hessenberg matrix, matrix geometric solutions.

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