Topics covered in
the class
Jan. 7: Introduction & system of linear equations.
Jan. 9: Solutions of system of linear equations,
elementary row operations, row echlon form.
Jan. 14: Solve a system of linear equations.
Jan. 16: Matrices.
Jan. 21: Matrix operations and properties.
Test #1 covers up to here.
Jan. 23: Invertible matrices and elementary matrices.
Jan. 28: elementary matrices and LU factorization
Jan. 30: Invertible matrix theorem, Determinants
Feb. 4: properties of determinants.
Feb. 6: Applications of Determinants (adjoints, cramer's rule, area and volume)
Test #2 covers up to here.
Feb. 11: R^n and vector spaces.
Feb. 13: subspace, spanning set.
Feb 18-22: reading week.
Feb 25: review of vector spaces, subspaces and spanning set.
Feb 27: spanning set, linearly independence/dependence, basis.
Mar. 4: basis, dimension, row and column space.
Mar. 6: basis of row(column, null) space, rank theorem.
Mar. 11: more about row(column, null) spaces, data compression and change of basis.
Mar. 13: More change of basis, Search Web using eigenvectors. Eigenvalues/Eigenvectors.
Test # 3 covers chapter 4 (Sections 4.1-4.7).
Mar. 18: Eigenvectors and Diagonalization.
Mar. 20: Diagonalization, complex numbers.
Mar. 25: Polar forms, De Moirve's Theorem, complex eigenvalues.
Mar. 27: Complex eigenvectors, Diagaonlization, inner products.
Apr. 1: inner product, orthogonality.
Apr. 3: orthogonal basis, orthogonal projection, linear transformation.
Apr. 8: linear transformation and review.