

  • Nielsen, J. D., Rosenthal, J. S., Sun, Y., Day, D. M., Bevc, I., and Duchesne, T. (2014). Group-based criminal trajectory analysis using the cross-validation criteria. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods 43, 4337-4356.

  • Heckman, N., Lockhart, R. and Nielsen, J. D. (2013). Penalized regression, mixed effects models and appropriate modelling. Electronic Journal of Statistics 7, 1517-1552.

  • Day, D. M., Nielsen, J. D., Ward, A., Sun, Y., Rosenthal, J. S., Duchesne, T., Bevc, I. and Rossman, L. (2012). A long-term follow-up of the criminal activity of adjudicated youth in Ontario. Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice 54, 377-413.

  • Asadi, M., Goldak, J., Nielsen, J. D., Zhou, J., Tchernov, S. and Downey, D. (2009). Analysis of predicted residual stress in a weld and comparison with experimental data using a regression model. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design 5, 353-364.

  • Nielsen, J. D. and Dean, C. B. (2008). Clustered mixed nonhomogeneous Poisson process spline models for the analysis of recurrent event panel data. Biometrics 64, 751-761.

  • Nielsen, J. D. and Dean, C. B. (2008). Adaptive functional mixed NHPP models for the analysis of recurrent event panel data. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 52, 3670-3685.

  • Dean, C. B. and Nielsen, J. D. (2007). Generalized linear mixed models: A review and some extensions. Lifetime Data Analysis 13, 497-512.

  • Dean, C. B., Nathoo, F. and Nielsen, J. D. (2007). Spatial and mixture models for recurrent event processes. Environmetrics 18, 713-725.

  • Prior, J. C., Nielsen, J. D., Hitchcock, C. L., Williams, L. A., Vigna, Y. M. and Dean, C. B. (2007). Medroxyprogesterone and conjugated estrogen are equivalent for hot flushes: a 1-year randomized double-blind trial following premenopausal ovariectomy. Clinical Science 112, 517-525.

  • Nielsen, J. D. and Dean, C. B. (2005). Regression splines in the quasi-likelihood analysis of recurrent event data. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 134, 521-535.