MATH 1119B - FALL 2011 TERM

Monday/Wednesday 13:00-14:30

Location: Azrieli Theatre, room 301


The course syllabus is available here

Important dates and deadlines

The undergraduate calendar is available here. Exam scheduling will be available here or through Carleton Central.


Tutorial 1

Tutorial 2

Tutorial 3

Mock Tutorial 3

Tutorial 4

Tutorial 5

Tutorial 6

Tutorial 7

Slides -- closed, email me for particular topics

Assignments and practice problems

Section 1.1

Exercises 11-24.

Section 1.2

Exercises 1-4, 7-14, 19-26.

Section 2.1

1, 2, 5b, 6b, 7-9.

Section 1.3

5,6,9,10,11-14, Added October 12: 15-27.

Section 1.4

1-12, 15,16,17,23-26, Added October 12: 27-28,

Section 1.5

1-17, 23-24, 26-33.

Section 1.6


Section 1.7

Everything (no, seriously, I think you can answer every question).

Section 2.8

1-36: some of 31-36 can be tricky, but I think you can do it.

Section 2.9

9-27 (omit anything that refers to "coordinates"), 28 is tricky.

Section 1.8

1-17, 19-22, 32-38.

Section 1.9

1-2, 13-22, 23ac, 24abc.

Section 1.10

9-11, Set up the equation of 12, but do not try to solve.

Section 2.2

1-10, 12, 14, 16-18, 21-24, 29-33, 35.

Section 2.3

1-21, 23, 30-34, 40.

Section 2.6


Section 3.1

1-30, 39-40.

Section 3.2

All questions.

Section 3.3


Section 4.9


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