Feb 1: error in linear spline interpolation; clamped cubic splines.
Feb 3: least squares approximation; inner products and norms of functions;
linear independence
and orthogonality of functions; orthogonal polynomials and least squares approximation.
Tutorial: exercises of discrete and continuous least squares approximation and cubic splines.
Feb 8: the normal equations for polynomial least squares approximation;
orthogonal polynomials and least squares approximation; comments about midterm.
Feb 10: midterm.
Tutorial: constructing sets of orthogonal polynomials; method of
undetermined coefficients;
Gram-Schmidt orthogonalization algorithm for functions; three-term
recurrence relation algorithm; constructing the least squares
polynomial approx.
Reading week: no lectures.
Feb 22: Tchebyshev polynomials; optimal placing of data points in polynomial interpolation.
Feb 24: introduction to numerical integration; midpoint rule and error formula.
Tutorial: comments about midterm; example of Tchebyshev polynomials.