If there is a simple addition mistake in your assignment, please show the assignment to the tutor.
If you want your assignment remarked, you must do the following WITHIN TWO WEEKS of the date on which the assignments were returned. We will not accept remarking requests after this deadline.
Make a text file containing your remarking request. The file should specify the assignment, the question, and the reason that you feel the question should be remarked.
The statement "it deserves more marks" will usually not result in success because the tutor will have applied the same marking criteria to each paper; it would not be fair to the other students to ignore these criteria in your particular case. The tutor will usually respond to such a statement by telling you his marking criteria.
Email the remarking request to the tutor.
Print out your remarking request, attach it to your assignment, and give this to the tutor. Do not give it to the professor.
If you are comparing your assignment to that of another student, hand in BOTH assignments.
The remarked assignment will be returned in the tutorial that you indicate on the front of the assignment.
If you are not satisfied with the remarking, arrange a meeting with the tutor. Try to resolve the problem constructively.
If you have had a meeting with the tutor and are still not satisfied, arrange by email a meeting with the professor. Under no circumstances should you contact the professor until you have completed all the steps above.
The only way to get remarking is to follow the steps above. In particular, do not ask the tutor or the professor to remark something in tutorial or in class.