November Lectures

Week of November 1-5

Nov 2: Proof of the exponential formula.
Nov 4: Proof of the exponential formula (cont). Examples: set partitions and 2-regular graphs.

Week of November 8-12

Nov 9: Comments about Assignment 2. Examples: labelled trees. The exponential formula: unlabelled case.
Nov 11: The exponential formula: unlabelled case (cont). Examples: partition of integers.
[A2 handed in; A3 handed out.]

Week of November 15-19

Nov 16: Examples: partition of integers(cont). Money change problem.
Nov 18: Rooted unlabelled trees. Generating functions compute averages, etc.

Week of November 22-26

Nov 23: Computing averages and variances. The expected number of cycles in a random permutation.
Nov 25: The cycle index of the symmetric group.
Nov 26: Extra lecture (October 14): Probabilities associated to the cycle index.

Week of November 29 - December 3

Nov 30: Lagrange inversion formula.
Dec 2: Singularity analysis. Comments about the exam.
[A3 handed in.]

To October lectures.