Mathematics for the Analysis of Algorithms

Winter 2002, Mathematics 70.497B/70.590Y
School of Mathematics and Statistics, Carleton University

Instructor: Daniel Panario
Office: #4372 HP, Tel: (613) 520 2600 (Ext. 2159)
Lectures: Mondays 11:00 - 12:30, Thursdays 13:00 - 14:30. Room: HP 4369
Office hours: TBA

Current announcements

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General Information

Lecture notes

There is no textbook for the course. We will take material from several papers, and from the books below. We intend to distribute notes of the lectures. Most material is ready and will be distributed before we teach the lecture covering that material. For the remaining lectures we will ask some students attending the course to type notes in LaTeX. The lecture notes do not substitute the reading of the textbooks that we strongly encourage (at the beginning of each lecture or section we indicate from which text or paper the material is taken).

The introductory weeks of the course are mostly taken from An Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms by Robert Sedgewick and Philippe Flajolet. We also use several books by Don Knuth, most notably the bibles The Art of Computer Programming, but also Concrete Mathematics, and Mathematics for the Analysis of Algorithms. We will also consider the recent book by Wojciech Szpankowski, "Average-case analysis of algorithms on sequences", Wiley Interscience Series in Discrete Mathematics, 2001

The remainder of the course is taken from several papers and books. Our main reference is the future book ``Analytic Combinatorics'' (in preparation) by Philippe Flajolet and Robert Sedgewick. Some chapters of this book are available as technical reports from INRIA:

In this course, we extensively use the first two technical reports and ocassionally the others.

Lectures per month

Contact Information:

Office Hours: TBA.