September Lectures

Week of September 9-13

Sep 9: Introduction to the course. History and basics of finite fields. What is coding theory.
Sep 11: Linear codes: coding and decoding schemes; parity-matrix H; linear (n,k) code; dimension and length; code words. Examples of codes (parity-check code and repetition code), detecting and correcting errors.

Week of September 16-20

Sep 16: Canonical generator matrix. Hamming distance, Hamming weight and t-error-correcting codes. Minimum distance of a code and its relation to t-error-correcting codes. Alternative characterization as linearly independent columns of the parity-check matrix H.
Sep 18: Decoding linear codes. Cosets. Coset leader. Syndrome. Decoding algorithm. Hamming bound.

Week of September 23-27

Sep 23: Dual codes and properties. Hamming codes: definition and proof of 1-error-correction. 2-error-correcting BCH codes (introduction). Definition of finite fields and prime finite fields.
Sep 25: Polynomials over finite fields. Examples. Irreducible polynomials and their importance in finite fields. Unique factorization. 2-error-correcting BCH codes.
[A1 handed out.]

Week of September 30 - October 4

Sep 30: Comments about Assignment 1. Decoding algorithm for 2-error-correcting BCH codes. The multiplicative group of the nonzero elements in a finite field is cyclic. Primitive elements. Representation of elements using primitive elements. Example of decoding procedure.
Oct 2: Review of rings, fields and characteristic of a ring. Finite fields have prime characteristic. Properties. The ring of polynomials. Division algorithm. Greatest common divisors and Euclidean algorithm. Examples. Ideals, principal ideals, maximal ideals, prime ideals and principal ideal domains. Characterizations of these structures.

To October lectures.