September Lectures

Week of September 11-15

Sep 11: Introduction to the course. History and basics of finite fields. What is coding theory.
Sep 13: Linear codes: coding and decoding schemes; parity-matrix H; linear (n,k) code; dimension and length; code words.
Examples of codes (parity-check code and repetition code), detecting and correcting errors. Canonical generator matrix.

Week of September 18-22

Sep 18: Canonical generator matrix. Hamming distance, Hamming weight and t-error-correcting codes.
Minimum distance of a code and its relation to t-error-correcting codes. Alternative characterization as
linearly independent columns of the parity-check matrix H. Decoding linear codes. Cosets.
Sep 20: Decoding linear codes. Coset leader. Syndrome. Decoding algorithm. Hamming bound.
Dual codes and properties. [A1 handed out.]

Week of September 25-29

Sep 25: The relation between syndrome and errors. Hamming codes: definition and proof of 1-error-correction.
2-error-correcting BCH codes (introduction). Definition of finite fields, prime finite fields, and
polynomials over finite fields. Examples.
Sep 27: Comments about Assignment 1. Irreducible polynomials and their importance in finite fields.
Unique factorization. 2-error-correcting BCH codes (continuation).