January Lectures

Week of January 3-4

Jan 3: Algebraic structures: groups, rings, integral domains, Euclidean domains, quotient fields, finite fields.

Week of January 7-11

Jan 7: Course introduction. Introduction: computer algebra systems; relation with numerical analysis. Operating with large integer numbers.
Jan 10: Addition of numbers.

Week of January 14-18

Jan 14: Addition of polynomials. Multiplication of polynomials.
Jan 17: Multiplication of numbers. Division with remainder. [A1 out]

Week of January 21-25

Jan 21: GCD algorithms: Euclidean algorithm.
Jan 24: GCD algorithms: extended Euclidean algorithm.

Week of January 28 - February 1

Jan 28: Correctness of the EEA.
Jan 31: Analysis of the EEA.

To February lectures.