Modern Computer Algebra

Mathematics 3819: CLASS OUTLINE FALL 2016

Week Dates Assigns/Test Sections Topics
1 Sep 7 ~ 2.1-2.2 Introduction to the course. Addition of numbers and polynomials.
2 Sep 12-16 ~ 2.3-2.4 Multiplication of numbers and polynomials. Division with remainder.
3 Sep 19-23 ~ 3.1-3.2 Euclidean and extended Euclidean algorithm.
4 Sep 26-30 A1 handed-out 3.2-3.3 Correctness and cost analysis of extended Euclidean algorithm.
5 Oct 3-7 ~ 4.1-4.2 Applications of extended Euclidean algorithm: modular arithmetic and RSA cryptosystem.
6 Oct 12 ~ 4.1-4.2 Applications of extended Euclidean algorithm: modular inverses, finite fields and Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).
7 Oct 17-21 A1 handed-in 4.3; 5.2-5.3 Repeated squaring; application: Diffie-Hellman key exchange. Evaluation and interpolation; application: Shamir secret sharing.
9 Oct 31 - Nov 4 A2 handed-out 5.4 Chinese remainder theorem and algorithm.
10 Nov 7-11 ~ 8.1 Karatsuba's algorithm.
11 Nov 14-18 Midterm test 12.1 Strassen's algorithm.
12 Nov 21-25 A2 handed-in 8.2 Discrete Fourier transform.
13 Nov 28 - Dec 2 ~ 8.3 Fast multiplication of polynomials and DFT.
14 Dec 5-9 ~ 9.1 Newton iteration and fast division with remainder. Review of the course.

Note. Sections and chapters are from the textbook: Modern Computer Algebra by Joachim von zur Gathen and Jurgen Gerhard.