March Lectures

Week of March 1-5

Mar 1 : Revision for midterm test. Partitions and diagrams. Conjugate partitions. Partitions and generating functions.
Mar 3 : Test (Chapters 6, 10, 11, 12 and 25).
Tutorial: Review of Test and Chapter 26.

Week of March 8-12

Mar 8 : Partitions and generating functions (cont). Restricted partitions.
Mar 10 : Restricted partitions (cont). Graphs and their representation.
Tutorial: Review of Chapter 26.

Week of March 15-19

Mar 15 : Isomorphism of graphs. Valency. Paths and cycles.
Mar 17 : Hamiltonian cycles and Eulerian walks. Trees.
Tutorial: Review of Chapter 15.

Week of March 22-26

Mar 22 : Vertex colouring. Planar graphs; examples. Euler's theorem.
Mar 24 : Euler's theorem (cont). Degree of a region. Necessary conditions for planarity. Kuratowski theorem.
Tutorial: Review of Chapter 15 and planar graphs.

Week of March 29 - April 2

Mar 29 : Words, codes and errors. Distance, minimum distance and correcting errors.
Mar 31 : Linear codes and their construction. Course overview.
Tutorial: Review of Chapter 24.

To February lectures.