October Lectures

Week of October 3-7

Oct 3: Sieve principle. Partitions of sets.
Oct 5: The number of surjections. Multinomial numbers.
Tutorial: Review of Chapters 11 and 12.

Week of October 10-14

Oct 10: No lecture on Oct. 10.
Oct 12: Partitions of positive numbers. Power series and algebraic properties.
Tutorial: Midterm test #1 (Chapters 6, 10, 11 and 12).

Week of October 17-21

Oct 17: Power series and algebraic properties (cont). Partial fractions.
Oct 19: Binomal theorem with negative exponents.
Tutorial: Review of Chapter 25.

Week of October 24-28

Oct 24: Generating functions. Linear recurrences.
Oct 26: Nonhomogeneous linear recurrences.
Tutorial: Review of Chapter 25.

To September lectures.
To November lectures.