Tutorial: no tutorial this week.
Lecture: course introduction; topics we will cover;
examples of symbolic and numeric computation in Maple.
[Assignment 1 handed out, due January 31]
Tutorial: no tutorial this week; see tutorial notes in the webpage
with examples of symbolic computation in Maple.
Lecture: exact, fixed-point, and floating-point
representations of numbers; rounding errors.
Tutorial: see tutorial notes in the webpage with more examples
of symbolic computation in Maple.
Lecture: review of floating-point arithmetic. Approximating
functions by Taylor series and other methods;
evaluating polynomials.
Tutorial: tutorial notes of January 17 also applied to
this tutorial.
Lecture: explicit, implicit, and parametric representations
of curves and surfaces.
Tutorial: see tutorial notes in the webpage with more on
rendering lines and curves for computer display.
Lecture: rendering lines and curves for computer display.