January Lectures

Week of January 3-5

Jan 3: Course introduction. Systems of linear equations.
Jan 4: Elementary row operations. Echelon forms.
Tutorial: no tutorial this week.

Week of January 8-12

Jan 8: Vector equations.
Jan 10: The matrix equation Ax=b.
Jan 11: Solution set of linear systems.
Tutorial: Examples of systems of linear equations.

Week of January 15-19

Jan 15: Linear dependence and independence.
Jan 17: Linear dependence and independence (cont). Linear transformations.
Jan 18: Linear transformations (cont).
Tutorial: Sample of term test #1.

Week of January 22-26

Jan 22: Comments about term test #1. Examples. Linear transformations (cont).
Jan 24: The matrix of a linear transformation.
Jan 25: The matrix of a linear transformation (cont). Matrix operations.
Tutorial: Test #1.

Week of January 29 - February 2

Jan 29: Matrix operations (cont).
Jan 31: The inverse of a matrix.
Feb 1: The inverse of a matrix (cont).
Tutorial: Revision of Test #1. Examples of linear transformations and matrices.