January Lectures

Week of January 6-10

Jan 6: Course introduction. Systems of linear equations. Elementary row operations.
Jan 8: Echelon forms. Row reduction. Parametric descriptions of solution sets.
Tutorial: no tutorial this week.

Week of January 13-17

Jan 13: Existence and uniqueness questions. Vector equations.
Jan 15: Vector equations (cont). Linear combinations. Spans.
Tutorial: Examples of systems of linear equations.

Week of January 20-24

Jan 20: The matrix equation Ax = b. Existence of solutions. Solution sets of linear systems.
Jan 22: Comments about term test #1. Homogeneous and nonhomogeneous systems. Linear independence.
Tutorial: Test #1.

Week of January 27-31

Jan 27: Linear independence (cont). Transformations.
Jan 31: Linear transformations.
Tutorial: Examples of linear independence.

To February lectures.