Daniel Panario - Students
Present students:
- Farzane Amirzade: post-doc (co-supervision with M. Sadeghi).
- John-Marc Demarais: PhD (School of Computer Science).
- Arthur Fernandes: PhD at the Universidade Federal de
Minas Gerais, Brazil (co-supervision with L. Reis).
- Daniel Johnson: PhD.
- Hugo Teixeira: PhD.
- Gustavo Zambonin: PhD at the Universidade Federal
de Santa Catarina, Brazil (co-supervision with R.
Custodio and L. Moura)
Past students:
- Alexander Bors: post-doc, 2023.
- Tushar Bag: Fields Institute post-doc, 2022.
- Aleksandr Tuxanidy: post-doc (co-supervision with Q. Wang), 2018.
- Claudio Qureshi: Fields Institute post-doc, 2017.
- Sartaj Ul Hasan: post-doc (co-supervision with Q. Wang), 2012.
- Murat Sahin: post-doc (co-supervision with Q. Wang), 2012.
- Lerna Pehlivan: Fields Institute post-doc, 2010.
- Mohammad Sadeghi: Fields Institute post-doc, 2005.
- Mackenzie Powers: PhD, defended on January 2025.
Title: ``Topics in the Generation of Ideals of Posets''.
- Zachary Welch: PhD defended on September 2024
(co-supervision with C. Ingalls). Title: ``A collection
of new algorithms in post-quantum cryptography''.
- Lucas Perin: PhD defended on September 2021
(co-supervision with R. Custodio) at the Universidade Federal
de Santa Catarina, Brazil. Title: ``Message encoding algorithms
for Winternitz signatures''.
- Jose Neto: PhD defended on January 2019 (co-supervision
with J. Bandeira Lima) at the Universidade Federal de
Pernambuco, Brazil. Title: ``Construcao de autovetores de
transformadas discretas de Fourier: novos metodos e aplicacoes''.
- Lucas Reis: PhD defended on July 2018 (co-supervision
with F. Brochero) at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais,
Brazil. Title: ``Contemporary topics in finite fields: existence,
characterization, construction and enumeration problems''.
- Georgios Tzanakis: PhD defended on April 2017. Title:
``Covering arrays from maximal sequences over finite fields''.
- Rodrigo dos Santos Veloso Martins: PhD defended on February
2016 (co-supervision with J. Szwarcfiter and L. Menasche) at
the Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
Title: ``Random mappings and polynomials over finite fields''.
- Claudio Qureshi: PhD defended on August 2015 (co-supervision
with Sueli Costa) at the Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Brazil).
Title: ``Perfect codes in the Lee and Chebyshev metrics and
iterating Redei functions over finite fields''.
- Jing (Jane) He: PhD defended on September 2013 (co-supervision
with Q. Wang). Title: ``Interleaved sequences over finite fields''.
- David Laferriere: PhD defended on November 2012
(co-supervision with Z. Gao). Title: ``Asymptotic analysis
of generating functions of alg-log type''.
- David Thomson: PhD defended on November 2012. Title:
``On difference maps and their cryptographic applications''.
- Amin Sakzad, PhD defended on June 2011 (co-supervision
with M. Sadeghi) at Amirkabir University of Technology
(Tehran, Iran).
Title: ``Turbo lattices: constructions and performance analysis''.
- Behzad Omidi Koma, PhD, defended on September 2010.
Title: ``The number of irreducible polynomials over a
finite field with prescribed coefficients''.
- Juliano Bandeira Lima: PhD, defended on September 2008
(co-supervision with R. M. Campello de Souza) at the
Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE, Brazil).
Title: ``Finite Field Trigonometry: New Definitions and
Application Scenarios" (in Portuguese).
- Li Dong: PhD, defended on December 2007 (co-supervision
with Z. Gao). Title: ``Decomposable combinatorial structures
with restricted patterns''.
- Ariane Masuda: PhD, defended on September 2006.
Title: ``Polynomials over finite fields: relationships with
integers, and permutation polynomials''.
- Mohammad Sadeghi: PhD, defended on December 2003
(co-supervision with J. Dixon).
Title: ``Low density parity check lattices''.
- Theodoulos Garefalakis: PhD, defended on September 2000
(co-supervision with A. Borodin) at the Department of Computer
Science of the University of Toronto. Title: ``On the discrete
logarithm problem in finite fields and on elliptic curves''.
- Toma Diaconescu-Grabari: MSc, defended on July 2024.
Title: ``BUFF Transform for Isogeny-Based SQISign Digital
- Dunia Marchiori: MSc, defended on November 2022 at the
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil (co-supervision
with R. Custodio).
Title: ``Root finding in code-based cryptography''.
- Trevor Thompson: MSc, defended on January 2022
(co-supervision with Q. Wang). Title: ''Cycle lengths of
finite cyclotomic mappings''.
- Gustavo Zambonin: MSc, defended on September 2020
at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil
(co-supervision with R. Custodio).
Title: ''On the randomness of Rainbow signatures''.
- John-Marc Demarais: MSc, defended on August 2020.
Title: ``Error correcting codes in post-quantum cryptography''.
- Kirsten Nelson: MSc, defended on August 2018
(co-supervision with B. Stevens). Title: ''Properties of
interleaved sequences created from m-sequences''.
- Kaitlyn Chubb: MSc, defended on April 2018 (co-supervision
with Q. Wang). Title: ``Fixed points of rational functions
satisfying the Carlitz property''.
- Lucas Perin: MSc, defended on March 2016 (co-supervision
with R. Custodio) at Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina,
Brazil. Title: ''Formulas for p-th roots in finite fields of
characteristic p''.
- Gustavo Banegas: MSc, defended on August 2015
(co-supervision with R. Custodio) at Universidade Federal
de Santa Catarina, Brazil. Title: ``Pentanomios irredutiveis
sobre GF(2^m) para reducao modular eficiente''.
- David Marquis: MSc, defended on January 2015. Title:
``Deterministic factorization of polynomials over finite fields".
- Andrew Macfie: MSc, defended on April 2014.
Title: ``Software for combinatorial power series''.
- Georgios Tzanakis: MSc, defended on July 2010.
Title: ``On the existence of irreducible polynomials
with prescribed coefficients over finite fields''.
- Karin Arikushi: MSc, defended on September 2008 (co-supervision
with Q. Wang). Title: ``Almost perfect nonlinear functions''.
- David Thomson: MSc, defended on August 2007.
Title: ``Low complexity normal bases''.
- Vinay Kumar: MSc, defended on August 2006.
Title: ``Coding encrypted messages into music''.
- Stephen Savard, MSc, defended on January 2003.
Title: ``The average complexity of the Euclidean algorithm and
hyperelliptic cryptography''.
- Manal Almasri: MSc (ISS), defended on May 2001.
Title: ``On Chor-Rivest knapsack type public key cryptosystem''.
- Alex Hope: MSc (no thesis).
- Ali Al-Bashabsheh, MSc (no thesis).
- Adrian Moscher, MSc (no thesis).
- Omar Rouston, MSc (no thesis).
- Trevor Thompson: undergraduate NSERC award, May-August 2018
(co-supervision with Q. Wang).
- Andrew Macfie: NSERC Undergraduate Research, May-August 2012
(co-supervision with Z. Gao).
- Andrew Macfie: Summer Undergraduate Research, May-August 2011
(co-supervision with Z. Gao).
- Olga Sosnovski: NSERC Undergraduate Research Award, May-August 2009.
- Joshua Hefler: Summer Undergraduate Research, May-August 2008
(co-supervision with Q. Wang).
- David Thomson: NSERC Undergraduate Research Award, May-August 2005
and May-August 2006.
- Michael Dewar: NSERC Undergraduate Research Award, May-August 2002
and May-August 2003.
- Atefeh Mashatan: NSERC Undergraduate Research Award, May-August 2002.
- Ben Young: NSERC Undergraduate Research Award, May-August 2001.
- Timothy Miller: Summer undergraduate student, May-August 2018.
- Joseph Lentini: Summer undergraduate student, May-August 2016
(co-supervision with Q. Wang).
- Trevor Thompson: Summer undergraduate student, May-August 2016
(co-supervision with Q. Wang).
- Rebekah Schneiderman: Honours Project, finished on
January 2025. Title: ``MAYO Multivariate CryptoSystem''.
- Lisa Brown: Honours Project, finished July 2024.
Title: ``Attacking McEliece: Jacques Stern's Information
Set Decoding Algorithm''.
- Morganna Hinds: Honours Project, finished April 2024
(co-supervision with F. Amirzade). Title: ``Constructing LDPC
(Low-Density Parity-Check) Codes''.
- James Russell: Honours Project, finished April 2024.
Title: ``Graphical insights into Pollard rho: exploring
iterations on finite fields''.
- Filipe Borba: TCC (Honours Project), finished March 2022
at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Brazil. Title:
"An IND-CCA rank metric encryption scheme implementation".
- Dana Nickerson: Honours Project, finished April 2020.
Title: "Collision detection and Pollard's rho algorithm for
the discrete logarithm problem".
- Joseph Lentini: Honours Project, finished July 2019.
Title: ``Coding for Multiple User Access Channels''.
- Melissa Scott: Honours Project, finished May 2019.
Title: ``Factoring polynomials over finite fields''.
- Trevor Thompson (co-supervision with Q. Wang): Honours Project,
finished May 2019. Title: ``Semi-involutions over finite fields''.
- Timothy Miller: Honours Project, finished April 2018.
Title: ``A survey on m-ary integer partitions''.
- Ramatu Yusuf: Honours Project, finished August 2017.
Title: ``Codes under the Lee metric''.
- Andrew MacFie: Honours Project, finished April 2012.
Title: ``Software for enumerative and analytic combinatorics''.
- Karli Speevak-Sladowski: Honours Project, finished
May 2011. Title: ``Catalan numbers and their applications''.
- Brandon Hanson: Honours Project, finished May 2009.
Title: ``Reducibility of pentanomials over F_2''.
- Olga Sosnovski: Honours Project, finished May 2009.
Title: ``Divisibility of polynomials over finite fields
and combinatorial applications''.
- James Short: Honours Project, finished April 2008.
Title: ``Factoring Carmichael numbers''.
- David Thomson: Honours Project, finished May 2006.
Title: ``Binary irreducible polynomials''.
- Adrian Moscher: Honours Project, finished April 2005.
Title: ``A survey of synchronizable codes''.
- Michael Dewar: Honours Project, finished January 2004.
Title: ``A survey concerning the number and sizes of components
of combinatorial structures''.
- Tham Cao: Honours Project, finished April 2003.
Title: ``Convolutional codes''.
- Thadshayini Sathyamoorthy: Honours Project, finished April 2003.
Title: ``Burst error-correcting codes''.
- Avy Wong: Honours Project, finished December 2002.
Title: ``Electronic mail security''.
- Atefeh Mashatan: Honours Project, finished September 2002.
Title: ``Singularity analysis of generating functions''.
- Huanhuan Zhang: Honours Project, finished September 2002.
Title: ``Digital signatures''.
- Pragalathan Selvaratnam: Honours Project, finished May 2002.
Title: ``Message authentication and hash functions''.
- Gerald Boamah: Honours Project, finished September 2001.
Title: ``On the Powerline cryptosystem''.
- Stephen Savard: Honours Project, finished May 2001.
Title: ``Efficient implementation of elliptic curve cryptography
in F_p and F_2^n''.
- Ben Young: Honours Project, finished May 2001.
Title: ``Gauss periods in finite fields''.
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