Math. 69.104A Weekly Tests

Math. 69.104A

DAILY QUIZ 7 for the week of Sept. 23, 1996

Dr. Angelo Mingarelli
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Carleton University
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1S 5B6

NOTE: Please click on the "Submit" button below to send your answers by e-mail.

Furthermore, please remember that, due to the presence of older browsers on the Internet, powers will be reproduced by the form "x^2" (which is "x squared"), "x^(sin(x))" (which is "x to the power sin(x)"),"ln(x)" is the natural logarithm of x, etc...

Lastly, there is only one answer per question...

1.Which one of the following functions is an antiderivative of f (x) = (x^x) * ( 1 + ln x ) for x>0 ?
(x^x) * ln x
(x^x) / x
(x^x) + 6

2.The antiderivative of f (x) = (sin x)^2 differs from the antiderivative of one of the following functions by a constant: Which one ?
2 sin (x) cos (x)
(1 - cos(x))/2
2 sin(x)

3. Given that the antiderivative of the antiderivative of a function f is given by 3x^4 - sin(x), what is f if we know that f(0)=0??
x^6 + 10sin(x)
36x^2 + sin(x)
36x^2 + sin(x) + 10

4. Which of the following functions is an antiderivative of 4/x ?

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