Abbas Momeni (Moameni), Ph. D.
Full Professor

Department of Mathematics & Statistics Carleton University

Office: 4249 HP
Phone: 613-520-2600 x 3263
Email : momeni@math.carleton.ca


Partial Differential Equations, Nonlinear Analysis and Optimal Mass Transportation

Publications and Preprints

Opportunities For Graduate Students

Students with strong backgrounds in Differential Equations or Analysis are invited to apply. For further information on our graduate program and application process, [ click here ]

Opportunities For Undergraduate Students

I welcome inquiries from undergraduate students who are intrested to do research projects under my supervision. This opportunity is provided in various capacities including Honours Projects (MATH 4905), NSERC USRA and I-CUREUS programs. Topics cover a broad range including Optimization, Differential equations and Optimal mass transportations.

Useful Links

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