Donald A. Dawson
Professor Emeritus and Distinguished Research Professor
School of Mathematics and Statistics, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.
Present Position
Professor Emeritus and Distinguished Research Professor
School of Mathematics and Statistics, Carleton University, Ottawa
School of Mathematics and Statistics
Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, Canada K1S5B6
Fax: 613-520-3856
Academic Degrees
B.Sc. Honours Mathematics and Physics, McGill University, 1958
M.Sc. Mathematics, McGill University, 1959
Ph.D. Mathematics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1963
Dr.Sci. McGill University, 2005
Academic and Professional Appointments
1962-1963. Senior Research Engineer, Raytheon Corp. Space Division, Massachusetts
1963-1966. Assistant Professor, McGill University, Department of Mathematics
1967-1970. Associate Professor, McGill University. Department of Mathematics
1970-1971. Associate Professor, Carleton University Department of Mathematics
1971- 1996 Professor of Mathematics and Statistics, Carleton University
1996- 2000 Adjunct Professor, Departments of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Toronto
2000- 2010 Adjunct Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University
1996- 2000 Director, The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, Toronto, Canada
1999- Distinguished Research Professor and Professor Emeritus, Carleton University
Professional Activities
Member, Board of Directors, Carleton University. – University of Ottawa Laboratory for Research in Statistics and Probability, 1982-
Member, NSERC Grant Selection Committee for the Statistical Sciences, 1982-1985; Chair, 1985
Member, NSERC Committee on Research Manpower, 1986-1988
Member, NSERC Committee on International Relations, 1992-1994
Member, NSERC Task Force on Strategy Implementation, 1995
Member, Committee on U.S.Math. Sci. Research Institutes, Board on Mathematical Sciences, NRC,1998
Member, Board of National Institute for Statistical Sciences, U.S.A., 1998-2000
Member, Board of Directors of MITACS, 1999-2000, member Research Management Committee 2003-2008
President, Bernoulli Society, 2003-2005
Chair, Scientific Council EURANDOM 2004-2010
Member, International Review of Mathematics, U.K., 2003
Member IMU 2006 Fields Medal Committee
Associate Editor, Canadian Journal of Statistics, 1980-1987
Associate Editor, Annals of Probability, 1974-1978, and 1988-1991
Member, Advisory Board, Stochastic Processes and their Applications 1982- 2000
Co-Editor-in-Chief, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 1988-1993
Associate Editor, Electronic Journal of Probability, 1995- 2002
Editor, Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Related Topics, 2000-
Fellow of the International Statistical Institute, 1975
Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 1977
Killam Senior Research Scholar 1977-1979
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, Academy of Sciences, 1987
Gold Medal of the Statistical Society of Canada, 1991
Max Planck Research Award for International Cooperation, 1996-2000
Fellow of the Royal Society 2010
Fellow of the American Mathematical Society 2012
Selected Lectures
John H. Barrett Memorial Lecturer, University of Tennessee, 1992-1993
Jeffrey-Williams Lecturer, Canadian Mathematical Society, 1994
International Congress of Mathematicians, Zurich, 1994, invited lecture
Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 1996, Special Invited Lecture
Fourth World Congress of the Bernoulli Society, Vienna, SPA Lecturer, 1996
Britton Lectures, McMaster University 2007
PIMS-UBC Summer School in Probability 2009
Ph.D. and Postdoctoral Supervision
28 Ph.D. theses and 31 Postdoctoral Fellows supervised.
Publications: Over 150 refereed publications and 8 monographs.
Journal Papers
Dawson, D.A., Greven, A. den Hollander, F., Sun, R. and Swart, J., The renormalization transformation for two type branching models, l'Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare 44:1038-1077, 2008
Dawson, D.A., Gorostiza, L.G., Percolation in a hierarchical random graph, Comm. on Stoch. Anal. 1:29-47, 2007
- Dawson, D.A., Li, Z., Skew convolution semigroups and affine Markov processes, Ann. Probab., 34:1103-1142, 2006.
- Dawson, D.A., Feng, S., Asymptotic behavior of Poisson Dirichlet Distribution for large mutation rate, Annals Appl. Probab. 16:562-582, 2006.
- Dawson, D.A., Perkins, E.A., On the uniqueness problem for catalytic branching networks and other singular diffusions, Illinois J. Math. 50:323-383, 2006.
- D. A. Dawson, J. Tang and Y.Q. Zhao (2005). Balancing queues by mean field
interaction, Queueing Systems, 49:335-361, 2005.
D.A. Dawson, K. Fleischmann and J. Xiong (2005). Strong
uniqueness for cyclically symbiotic branching diffusions, Statistics and
Probability Letter,73:251-257, 2005.
- D.A. Dawson, L.G. Gorostiza and A. Wakolbinger, Degrees of transience and
recurrence and hierarchical random walk, Potential Analysis, vol. 22,
305-350 no.4, 2005.
- Dawson, D.A., Discussion of Environmental Statistics: Current and Future by A.H. El-Shaarawi and J.Teugels, ISI Review 73: 239-240 (2005).
- Dawson, D.A., Fleischmann, K. and Xiong, J., Strong uniqueness for cyclically symbiotic branching diffusions, Statistics and Probability Letters,
- D.A. Dawson and Z. Li, Non-differentiable convolution semigroups and related
Ornstein-Uhlenbeck processes, Potential Analysis, 20(2004), 285-302.
- D.A. Dawson. Review of Diffusions,
superdiffusions and partial differential equations by E.B. Dynkin, Bulletin
of the AMS 41(2004), 245-252.
- T. Cox, D.A. Dawson and A. Greven. Mutually catalytic super branching random
walks: large finite systems and renormalization analysis, Memoirs of the
American Mathematical Society Vol. 171, No. 809 (2004), 97 pages.
- D.A. Dawson, B. Schmuland and W. Sun. Generalized Mehler
semigroups and catalytic branching processes with immigration, Potential
Analysis 21(2004), 75-97.
- D.A. Dawson, L.G. Gorostiza and A. Wakolbinger, Hierarchical
equilibria of branching populations, Electronic Journal of Probability Volume
9, paper 12, 2004, 316-381.
- D. Dawson and P. Del Moral, Large deviations for interacting
processes in the strong topology, to appear in Statistical Modeling and
Analysis for Complex Data Problem, edited by Bruno Rémillard and Pierre Duchesne, Kluwer 2004.
- D.A. Dawson, Z. Li and X. Zhou, Superprocesses with coalescing
Brownian spatial motion as large scale limits, J. Theoret. Prob. 17(2004),
- D.A. Dawson, K. Fleischmann, L. Mytnik, E.A. Perkins and J.
Xiong (2003). Mutually catalytic branching in the plane: uniqueness, Ann.
l'Institut Henri Poincaré, 39(2003), 135-191
- D.A. Dawson and Z. Li. Construction of superprocesses with dependent spatial
motion from one-dimensional excursions, Probability Theory and Related Fields
127(2003), 37-61.
- D.A. Dawson and A. Greven. State dependent multitype state dependent branching
processes and their longtime behavior, Elect. J. Probab. Vol 8 (2003), paper 4,
- D.A. Dawson, Z. Li and H. Wang. A degenerate stochastic partial differential
equation for the purely atomic superprocess with dependent spatial motion,
Infinite Dimensional Analysis and Quantum Probability 6(2003), 597-607.
- D.A. Dawson, A.M. Etheridge, K.
Fleischmann, L. Mytnik, E.A. Perkins and J. Xiong. Mutually catalytic branching
in the plane: infinite measure states, Electronic Journal of Probability,
Electronic Journal of Probability paper 14, 1-61. Electronic
Journal of Probability - Vol. 7 (2002)
- D.A. Dawson, A.M. Etheridge, K. Fleischmann, L. Mytnik, E.A. Perkins and J.
Xiong. Mutually catalytic branching in the plane: finite measure states, Annals
of Probability, Annals of Probability, 30(2002), 1681-1762.
- D.A. Dawson, K. Fleischmann, L. Mytnik, E.A. Perkins and J. Xiong (2000).
Mutually catalytic branching in the plane: uniqueness, Ann. l'Institut Henri
Poincare, 39(2003), 135-191.
- D.A. Dawson, K. Fleischmann and P. Moerters, Strong clumping of
super-Brownian motion in a stable catalytic medium, Annals of Probability,
30(2002), 1606-1656.
- D.A. Dawson, L.G. Gorostiza and Z. Li. Non-local branching superprocesses
and related models, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 74 (2002), 93-112.
D.A. Dawson and S. Feng. Large deviations
for the Fleming-Viot process with neutral mutation and selection II, Stochastic
Processes and their Applications 92, 2001, 131-162.
- D.A. Dawson, L.G. Gorostiza and A. Wakolbinger. Occupation time
fluctuations in branching systems, Journal of Theoretical Probability, 2001.
- D.A. Dawson, Z. Li and H. Wang. Superprocesses with dependent spatial
motion and general branching densities, Electronic Journal of Probability
6(2001), paper 25, 1-33. Electronic
Journal of Probability - Vol. 6 (2001)
- D.A. Dawson, K. Fleischmann and C.
Mueller. Finite time extinction of superprocesses with catalysts, Annals of
Probability, 28, 2000, 603-642.
- D.A. Dawson, J. Vaillancourt and H. Wang. Stochastic partial differential
equations for a class of interacting measure-valued diffusions, Annales de
L'Institut Henri-Poincare, Probab. et Statistiques 36, 2(2000), 167-180
- D.A. Dawson and A. Greven. Hierarchically
interacting Fleming-Viot processes with selection and mutation: multiple space time
scale analysis and quasi-equilibria, Electronic J. of Probability Paper no. 4,
pages 1-81. Electronic
Journal of Probability - Vol. 4 (1999)
D.A. Dawson and S. Feng. Large deviations
for the Fleming-Viot process with neutral mutation and selection, Stoch. Proc.
Appl. 77 (1998), 207-222.
- D.A. Dawson and E.A. Perkins. Long-time behaviour and co-existence in a
mutually catalytic branching model, Ann. Probab., 26 (1998), 1088-1138.
- D.A. Dawson, K. Fleischmann and G. Leduc. Continuous dependence of a class
of superprocesses on branching parameters and applications, Ann. Probab.,
26(1998), 652-601.
Research Monographs,
Chapters in Books and Lecture Notes
D.A. Dawson and E.A. Perkins (1999).
Measure-valued processes and Renormalization of Branching Particle Systems, in Stochastic Partial Differential Equations: Six Perspectives,
edited by R. Carmona and B. Rozovskii, American Mathematical Society
Mathematical Surveys and Monographs, Vol. 64, pp. 45-106.
Proceedings Papers
D.A. Dawson, L.G. Gorostiza and A. Wakolbinger Hierarchical random walks, in Asymptotic Methods in Stochastics, eds.L.
Horváth and B. Szyszkowicz, Fields Institute Communications and Monograph Series 44,
Amer. Math. Soc., 2004.
- D.A. Dawson
(2000). Stochastic models of evolving information systems, in Stochastic Models, eds. L.G. Gorostiza dn B.G.
Ivanoff, CMS Conference Proceedings 26, pp. 1-14.
- D.A. Dawson and K. Fleischmann (2000). Catalytic and mutually catalytic
branching, in Infinite
Dimensional Stochastic Analysis , eds. Ph. Clément, F. den Hollander, J. van
Neerven and B. de Pagter, Royal Netherlands Academy, Amsterdam, pp. 145-170.
- D.A. Dawson and K. Fleischmann (2000). Catalytic and mutually catalytic
super-Brownian motions, to appear in Proceedings of the 3rd Ascona Conference
on Stochastic Analysis, Random Fields and Applications, 1999.
- D.A. Dawson and J. Gaertner (1998), Analytic aspects of multilevel large
deviations, in Asymptotic
Methods in Probability and Statistics, ed. B. Szyszkowicz, Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp.