January Lectures

Week of January 4-8

Jan 4: course introduction.

Jan 6: C: editing, compiling, variables, basic types, inc/dec, conditional expressions, loops.

Tutorial: C: numeric and logical expressions, assignment, conditional expressions, switch, loops

Week of January 11-15

Jan 11: root finding methods: bisection (A1 handed out)

Jan 13: errors in root finding methods; root finding methods: Newton

Tutorial: C: printf, scanf, inc/dec, type conversion

Week of January 18-22 (tentative)

Jan 18: comments on root finding methods, secant method

Jan 20: C: more functions and comments on assignment 1

Tutorial: C: arrays, pointers

Week of January 25-29 (tentative)

Jan 25: integration methods: midpoint, trapezoidal, Simpsons' rule

Jan 27: integration analysis

Tutorial: C: pointers, structs, dynamic allocation (--- A1 due ---)