Script started on Fri Jan 10 12:59:00 1997 eddie% maple |\^/| Maple V Release 3 (University of Toronto) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1994 by Waterloo Maple Software and the \ MAPLE / University of Waterloo. All rights reserved. Maple and Maple V <____ ____> are registered trademarks of Waterloo Maple Software. | Type ? for help. > quit bytes used=87656, alloc=131048, time=0.05 eddie% maple |\^/| Maple V Release 3 (University of Toronto) ._|\| |/|_. Copyright (c) 1981-1994 by Waterloo Maple Software and the \ MAPLE / University of Waterloo. All rights reserved. Maple and Maple V <____ ____> are registered trademarks of Waterloo Maple Software. | Type ? for help. > 10!; 3628800 > 1000!; 402387260077093773543702433923003985719374864210714632543799910429938512398629\ 020592044208486969404800479988610197196058631666872994808558901323829669944590\ 997424504087073759918823627727188732519779505950995276120874975462497043601418\ 278094646496291056393887437886487337119181045825783647849977012476632889835955\ 735432513185323958463075557409114262417474349347553428646576611667797396668820\ 291207379143853719588249808126867838374559731746136085379534524221586593201928\ 090878297308431392844403281231558611036976801357304216168747609675871348312025\ 478589320767169132448426236131412508780208000261683151027341827977704784635868\ 170164365024153691398281264810213092761244896359928705114964975419909342221566\ 832572080821333186116811553615836546984046708975602900950537616475847728421889\ 679646244945160765353408198901385442487984959953319101723355556602139450399736\ 280750137837615307127761926849034352625200015888535147331611702103968175921510\ 907788019393178114194545257223865541461062892187960223838971476088506276862967\ 146674697562911234082439208160153780889893964518263243671616762179168909779911\ 903754031274622289988005195444414282012187361745992642956581746628302955570299\ 024324153181617210465832036786906117260158783520751516284225540265170483304226\ 143974286933061690897968482590125458327168226458066526769958652682272807075781\ 391858178889652208164348344825993266043367660176999612831860788386150279465955\ 131156552036093988180612138558600301435694527224206344631797460594682573103790\ 084024432438465657245014402821885252470935190620929023136493273497565513958720\ 559654228749774011413346962715422845862377387538230483865688976461927383814900\ 140767310446640259899490222221765904339901886018566526485061799702356193897017\ 860040811889729918311021171229845901641921068884387121855646124960798722908519\ 296819372388642614839657382291123125024186649353143970137428531926649875337218\ 940694281434118520158014123344828015051399694290153483077644569099073152433278\ 288269864602789864321139083506217095002597389863554277196742822248757586765752\ 344220207573630569498825087968928162753848863396909959826280956121450994871701\ 244516461260379029309120889086942028510640182154399457156805941872748998094254\ 742173582401063677404595741785160829230135358081840096996372524230560855903700\ 624271243416909004153690105933983835777939410970027753472000000000000000000000\ 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 > factor(13928769876231); 13928769876231 > ifactor("); 2 2 (3) (7) (31584512191) > igcd(1390287,908732); 19 > ifactor(1390287); (3) (19) (24391) > ifactor(908732); 2 (2) (11) (19) (1087) > a; a > a:=x^45-1; 45 a := x - 1 > b:=x^20-1; 20 b := x - 1 > gcd(a,b); 5 x - 1 > factor(a); 4 3 2 2 3 4 5 7 8 (x - 1) (x + x + x + x + 1) (x + x + 1) (1 - x + x - x + x - x + x ) 6 3 24 21 15 12 9 3 (x + x + 1) (x - x + x - x + x - x + 1) > factor(b); 4 3 2 2 3 4 2 (x - 1) (x + x + x + x + 1) (x + 1) (1 - x + x - x + x ) (1 + x ) 8 6 4 2 (x - x + x - x + 1) > c := x^18-1; 18 c := x - 1 > gcd(a,c); 9 x - 1 > factor(c); 2 6 3 2 3 6 (x - 1) (x + x + 1) (x + x + 1) (x + 1) (1 - x + x ) (1 - x + x ) > gcd(b,c); 2 x - 1 > d:=x^16-1; 16 d := x - 1 > gcd(c,d); 2 x - 1 > gcd(d,b); 4 x - 1 > read(`mygcd.maple`); myigcd := proc(a,b) local u,v,r; u := a; v := b; while v <> 0 do print(u,v); r := u mod v; u := v; v := r od; u end mypgcd := proc(a,b,name) local u,v,r; u := a; v := b; while v <> 0 do print(u,v); r := rem(u,v,name); u := v; v := r od; u end > myigcd(15,10); 15, 10 10, 5 5 > mypgcd(a,b,x); 45 20 x - 1, x - 1 20 5 x - 1, x - 1 5 x - 1 > (x-5)^9; 9 (x - 5) > expand("); 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 x - 45 x + 900 x - 10500 x + 78750 x - 393750 x + 1312500 x - 2812500 x + 3515625 x - 1953125 > factor("); 9 (x - 5) > " mod 3; 9 (x + 1) > expand(") mod 3; 9 x + 1 > expand((x+1)^9); 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 x + 9 x + 36 x + 84 x + 126 x + 126 x + 84 x + 36 x + 9 x + 1 > diff(x^3+2*x+1,x); 2 3 x + 2 > diff(x^3+2*x+1,x) mod 3; 2 > 1/2; 1/2 > 1/2 mod 7; 4 > 4 * 2; 8 > 4 * 2 mod 7; 1 > help; help > help(help); FUNCTION: help - descriptions of syntax, datatypes, and functions CALLING SEQUENCE: ?topic or ?topic,subtopic or ?topic[subtopic] or help(topic) or help(topic,subtopic) or help(topic[subtopic]) SYNOPSIS: ?intro introduction to Maple ?library Maple library functions and procedures ?index list of all help categories ?index, list of help files on specific topics ? explanation of a specific topic ?, explanation of a subtopic under a topic ?distribution for information on how to obtain Maple ?copyright for information about copyrights - Note 1: The recommended way to invoke help is to use the question mark. - Note 2: When invoking help using the function call syntax, help(topic), Maple keywords (reserved words) must be enclosed in backquotes. For example, help(quit) causes a syntax error. Use help(`quit`) instead. Note that the string delimiter is the backquote (`), not the apostrophe ('), nor the double --More--(60%) > a; 45 x - 1 > a := 'a'; a := a > a; a > help(constants); > E; E > evalf("); 2.718281828 > evalf(E,200); 2.7182818284590452353602874713526624977572470936999595749669676277240766303535\ 475945713821785251664274274663919320030599218174135966290435729003342952605956\ 307381323286279434907632338298807531952510190 bytes used=1003360, alloc=458668, time=2.40 > evalf(Pi,50); 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751 > digits:=50; digits := 50 > evalf(Pi); 3.141592654 > help(evalf); > Digits := 50 > ; Digits := 50 > evalf(E); 2.7182818284590452353602874713526624977572470937000 > op(1,[a,b]); a > op(2,[a,b]); 20 x - 1 > quit bytes used=1096748, alloc=458668, time=2.60 eddie% exit exit script done on Fri Jan 10 13:18:49 1997