Lucia Moura: Title: Variable Strength Covering Arrays and Software Testing Applications Abstract: In this talk, I will discuss Variable Strength Covering Arrays. Covering arrays are generalizations of orthogonal arrays that have been well studied and have applications in software and network testing. A covering array of strength t with n rows and k columns on v symbols is an n by k array such that in every set of t columns, every possible t-tuple of symbols occur in at least one row. We wish to minimize n for fixed t, k and v. Applications in software and network testing identify the components/parameters of the system with the columns of the array, each component/parameter having v possible configurations/values. The set of rows of the array prescribe a test suite with the smallest possible number of tests, such that every t-way interaction of parameter values is tested in at least one of the tests. In summary, covering arrays are the combinatorial structures that yield the so-called Combinatorial Testing (see ACTS research at NIST). Variable strength covering arrays (VCAs) are a generalizations of covering arrays that uses a hypergraph on the columns of the array, with hyperedges of arbitrary size specifying which sets of columns must have coverage. These objects are interesting not only for being nice combinatorial designs but also because they address more complex testing models where different levels of interaction need to be tested among different sets of components. In this talk, I will survey joint work with Raaphorst and Stevens on VCAs and show two upper bounds on their number of rows. The first bound comes from a greedy algorithm that generalizes the density method of Bryce, Cohen and Colbourn (2004, 2007) yielding an upper bound on the number of rows that is logarithmic on the number of columns. The second upper bound uses the probabilistic method and the Lov\'asz Local Lemma. ==================================================================== Thais Bardini Idalino: Title: Using Combinatorial Group Testing to Solve Security Issues Abstract: We consider the problem of detecting and locating modifications in signed data to ensure partial data integrity. We assume two scenarios, the first is related to locating modifications in a signed document, where we divide it into n blocks and assume a threshold d for the maximum amount of modified blocks that the scheme can locate. We propose efficient algorithms for signature and verification steps which provide a reasonably compact signature size. The second scenario aims to locate invalid signatures in a set of individually signed tuples stored in an outsourced database. We introduce the concept of levels of signature aggregation, that allows the querier to distinguish the valid tuples from the invalid ones while decreasing the number of signatures transmitted, in contrast to traditional aggregation, where even a single invalid tuple would invalidate the whole query. Both schemes are based on nonadaptive combinatorial group testing and cover-free families. ==================================================================== Lucas Perin: Title: Low Complexity Cube Root Computation over F_3^m using Polynomial Basis Abstract: Barreto and Ahmadi's previous works shows us that it is possible to significantly reduce the cost of Cube Root computations over F3m by carefully selecting the irreducible polynomial definining the extension. The impact of this is directly related to the performance of some pairing-based cryptographic algorithms. To achieve better performance, the number of nonzero coefficients (Hamming Weight) in the polynomial representation of x^(1/3) should be low. We extend Ahmadi and Rodriguez-Henriquez's work and present a a generic construction of "Cube Root Friendly Polynomials". Furthermore, we provide new extensions over F_3^m using irreducible heptanomials that produce Hamming Weights equal to 1.  ==================================================================== Juliano Bandeira Lima: Title: Trigonometry over Finite Fields: Theoretical Aspects and Application Scenarios Abstract: The first concepts related to trigonometry over finite fields were proposed in the late 1990¹s, as a requirement for introducing the finite field Hartley transform. Over the past few years, such concepts have provided several developments, constituting the basis for defining other transforms and describing Chebyshev polynomials, for instance. In this presentation, besides reviewing theoretical aspects related to the mentioned context, we intend to illustrate their applicability in cryptography, signal processing, communications and error-correcting codes. =================================================================== Daniel Panario: Title: Open Problems for Polynomials over Finite Fields and Applications Abstract: We survey open problems for univariate polynomials over a finite field. We first comment in some detail on the existence and number of several classes of polynomials. The open problems here are of a more theoretical nature. Then, we center in classes of low-weight (irreducible) polynomials. The conjectures here are more practically oriented. Finally, we give brief descriptions of a selection of open problems from several areas including factorization of polynomials, special polynomials (APN functions, permutation), and relations between integer numbers and polynomials. =================================================================== Rodrigo dos Santos Veloso Martins: Title: On the Heuristic of Approximating Polynomials over a Finite Field by Random Mappings Abstract: The study of iterations of functions over a finite field and the corresponding functional graphs is a growing area of research with connections to cryptography. The behavior of such iterations is frequently approximated by what is know as the Brent-Pollard heuristic, where one treats functions as random mappings. We aim at understanding this heuristic and focus on the expected rho length of a node of the functional graph of a polynomial over a finite field. Since the distribution of indegrees (preimage sizes) of a class of functions appears to play a central role in its average rho length, we survey the known results for polynomials over finite fields giving new proofs and improving one of the cases for quartic polynomials. We discuss the effectiveness of the heuristic for many classes of polynomials by comparing our experimental results with the known estimates for random mapping models defined by different restrictions on their distribution of indegrees. We prove that the distribution of indegrees of general polynomials and mappings have similar asymptotic properties, including the same asymptotic average coalescence. The combination of these results and our experiments suggests that these polynomials behave like random mappings, extending a heuristic that was known only for degree 2. We show numerically that the behaviour of Chebyshev polynomials of degree d > 1 over finite fields present a sharp contrast when compared to other polynomials in their respective classes. =================================================================== Claudio Qureshi: Title: Redei Actions on Finite Fields Abstract: The dynamics of iterations of polynomials and rational functions over finite fields have attracted much attention in recent years, in part due to their applications to cryptography. In this talk we focus our attention to certain family of functions called Rédei functions, we describe its functional graph and we study its relation with certain class of endomorphism over cyclic groups. We also discuss an algorithm to generate Redei functions with prescribed length cycles. =================================================================== Alfredo Viola: Title: Correlation - Immune Boolean Functions and Applications to Cryptography Abstract: Boolean functions are very important cryptographic primitives in stream or block ciphers. In order to be useful for cryptographic applications, these functions should satisfy some properties like high algebraic degree, high non linearity or being correlation immune. This talk presents a complete characterization of the first order correlation immune Boolean functions that includes the functions that are 1-resilient. Our approach consists in defining an equivalence relation on the full set of Boolean functions with a fixed number of variables. An equivalence class in this relation, called a first-order correlation class, provides a measure of the distance between the Boolean functions it contains and the correlation-immune Boolean functions. The key idea consists on manipulating only the equivalence classes instead of the set of Boolean functions. To achieve this goal we introduce a class operator to construct a class with n variables from two classes of n − 1 variables. In the second part of the talk we generalize these ideas for k-order correlation immune functions, and the relation with covering arrays. At the end we present some problems we are woking on. This is joint work with Jean-Marie Le Bars, Nicolás Carrasco, María Cecilia García y Sebastián Fonseca. ===================================================================